mercredi 5 mars 2014

Fieldwork Experience

            A few weeks earlier we had this assignment to do; it was a fieldwork, we actually had to look up some graves and fill up a grid before working a table and analyse our data. My teammates and I went to the Ross Bay Cemetery and we chose to study the Asian society of the old Victoria.
            The fieldwork went fine but I would have chosen a different day because it was so cold that we rushed out to finish as fast as we could. It was so cold and the cemetery is on the waterfront so the wind was annoying; the only thing I could think about was to rush back to the car. We knew which part of the cemetery we wanted to study and how many burials we needed but I don't think we were actually prepared enough. We took some tombs randomly, but at the end we made some nice conclusions.
            Personally I chose to focus on the signification of the difference between the infant burials and the adult burial in the Asian community of Victoria.
           If it was to be done again I would definitely be more prepared. I think the best way to do it would be to go first at the cemetery and look what is around and where are the differences between the sections and the tombs before actually thinking for questions. Also, I would take as my database some Asian burial and some Canadian burials in order to compare them and see where are the differences.  Obviously differences between those two communities must show somehow because even if they shared the same town the different sections in the cemetery show an evidence of segregation between those two groups.
            Anyway the fieldwork was really nice if I have an other chance I would definitely do it again!

Here are some pictures of our database!

Infant and Adult Burial- For more pictures go to :

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