mardi 4 mars 2014

Gay Caveman

            This week we have been ask to react on the burial of the famous "gay Caveman". After some research I think that the conclusions about the sexual orientation of this particular individual may be a little excessive.
            This individual is found in Prague at the Bronze Age period. People from this period of time are known to have very precise rituals, which they are known to respect them accurately most of the time. But this male is found in a semi female position (on its left side, which represent female orientation but head facing west, which is a male position) with grave goods normally found in the female burials.
            According to its position and grave goods researchers concluded that this individual most have a different sexual orientation.
           A lot of factors can interfere with this conclusion; such as a wrong determination of the sex or that this individual had a particular status in this society. From what I have read, there is no DNA analysis in order to determining the sex, so this individual might have been a strong woman whose skeleton entered the male variation and had been identifying as a male. Furthermore, if it was a wrong determination, this "female" individual might had some male responsibilities in the society because she was very strong, this could explain why this individual had been positioned on its left side with female related grave goods but with its head facing west.
           On the other hand, this individual might had played a particular female role in the community, which would explain the position and the grave goods. But this explanation has been dismissed because the archaeologists have not found any proof that would head this explanation up.

         Anyway, I think that it makes more sense if it is an error than to describe him has the oldest homosexual of the human kind. This relates to the determination of genders, so we have to be careful about our personal signification of gender and what gender meant at this time. Also, we can see homosexual comportments in some ape so why would it be such a big deal?

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